Elegance and Relaxation in the...
Confidential negotiation
2500 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Historic farmhouse overlooking...
Piemonte/Asti/Costigliole d'Asti
Confidential negotiation
672 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Panoramic and prestigious farm...
1.350.000,00 €
900 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Unique views from a historic 1...
Confidential negotiation
2000 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Historic dwelling in a UNESCO ...
Piemonte/Alessandria/Cella Monte
Confidential negotiation
700 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Farmhouse with pool in picture...
980.000,00 €
600 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Charming farmhouse in Monferra...
Piemonte/Alessandria/Alfiano Natta
990.000,00 €
650 mq2
Villas and coutry houses
Historic and charming property...
730.000,00 €
350 mq2
Villas and coutry houses